Training Trainers

Become a Certificate Program Trainer for Your Agency

Certificate program graduates or other eligible staff members can train to administer the Child and Family Partners Certificate Program to individuals in their agency at a reduced cost when compared to the online program. Trainers use the online classroom provided by Child and Family Partners as they support and supervise fellow employees through the certificate course. Cost for the Trainer Certification:

  • Certificate Program Graduates= $350

  • Family Partners or Administrators with other credentials= $750

Trainers can train fellow employees to receive the credential from Child and Family Partners at a cost of only $250!!!!

Email to get started TODAY!

This training of trainers program makes the following possible:

  • Trainers train as many employees from their agency as needed;

  • Certificates for agency employees cost only $250 each;

  • Employees receive direct, immediate support from their trainer and Child and Family Partners to complete the program;

  • Agencies cost-effectively obtain needed credentials for employees serving as family partners;

  • Trainers receive annually updated information on the most current knowledge and skills related to family partnerships;

  • Employees and trainers benefit from a program with a proven track record of excellence;

  • Employees and trainers receive bilingual content and support from Child and Family Partners; and

  • Families and their young children benefit from their highly trained professional partners!